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Women of the Wild Explore Body, Friendship, Love
5:00 PM17:00

Women of the Wild Explore Body, Friendship, Love

5pm – 6pm: OPEN STAGE: readings about Body, Friendship, Love (in English, French, Spanish)

6:30pm – 8pm: CONVERSATION: Join us for an exclusive evening as we host French writer Colombe Schneck and Texan author Merritt Tierce. They will be in conversation with AF Director Emeline Colson (talk in English with a French touch).

8pm – 10 pm: MUSIC AND DANCE: DJ female artists playlist

Colombe Schneck is documentary film director, a journalist, and the author of twelve books of fiction and nonfiction. She has received prizes from the Académie française, Madame Figaro, and the Société des gens de lettres. On May 14, 2024, Penguin Press will publish SWIMMING IN PARIS, a stunning autofictional triptych of a woman’s life in three stories (Seventeen, Friendship, and Swimming: A Love Story), that marks the first English translation from Colombe. SWIMMING IN PARIS is a decades-long exploration of sexuality, abortion, friendship, femininity, death, and the complicated relationships that women so often have with their own bodies.

In Pamela Druckerman’s words, “Schneck offers a periscopic view into bourgeois Paris and captures the terror and truth of love like only a Frenchwoman can.”

Sponsored by Alliance Française Dallas. More information.

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Elisa Albert, HUMAN BLUES
5:00 PM17:00

Elisa Albert, HUMAN BLUES

Select advance praise for a novel structured as nine menstrual cycles:

“a bold and unapologetically feminist grunge rock anthem in literary form”

“unapologetically vulgar and intellectually curious”

“the wettest panties in literature”

“an unabashed story of the life of a Jewish musician/mystic in the early 21st century”

More information about the event.

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Christa Parravani, LOVED AND WANTED
4:00 PM16:00

Christa Parravani, LOVED AND WANTED

  • ZOOM LIVE via Northshire Bookstore (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Watch the recording of this event.

Order FREE tickets for this Zoom event: more information.

Loved and Wanted is the passionate story of a woman’s love for her children, and a poignant and bracing look at the difficult choices women in America are forced to make every day. Parravani paints an utterly necessary, groundbreaking portrait of so much more than one woman’s choice, offering a fierce and essential explication of the many forces that constrain reproductive freedom. This is a book about marriage, about being a woman, about work and motherhood and desire and loss and all the ordinary tragedies and raptures of family. But this is also a book about how broken our healthcare system is, about an entrenched and toxic class divide that damages our lives and harms the bodies of our children. In a country riven by the need to reduce, to simplify, to ignore, Loved and Wanted challenges us to pay attention, to hold complexity, and to understand why we have to do better.

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Are You Your Mind? A Conversation
5:00 PM17:00

Are You Your Mind? A Conversation

Otherwise, a reading series dedicated to supporting the work of outsider artists, is proud to bring together two authors whose work breaks rank and defies expectations of form and sentiment. Moderated by Merritt Tierce, this discussion will traverse embodied selves, sexuality and art, mental states and art, trauma and art, and how we enact and live within and reject gendered and racialized identity. Read more about the event.

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Are You Your Body? A Conversation
5:00 PM17:00

Are You Your Body? A Conversation

Two groundbreaking debut story collections published last year investigate relationships, desire, gender, and transformation, from powerfully queer and brilliantly real perspectives. Merritt Tierce will moderate a conversation between Carmen Maria Machado, author of Her Body and Other Parties, and Jess Arndt, author of Large Animals: Stories, that will explore the authors' interests and expertise in writing "dark" stories (what exactly does that mean?), breaking and inventing fictional forms, how the body and the self are connected, and how literature can shape and explain and be that connection.

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